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Welcome to EQ Proficient Learning and Development

Who am I?

Dr.Rina de Klerk-Weyer / EQ Proficient Learning and Development
Intra and Interpersonal leadership via Emotional Intelligence

Rina is one of South Africa's leading speakers, authors and learning and development trainer on Emotional Intelligence. Her passion is to really make a difference and to guide people to make choices in terms of their value system, in order to grow and fulfill their God given potential at work and in their personal lives.

Personal growth on all levels is a lifelong journey and each of us function on a different level. What we learn, we often learning by doing. Therefor this is course is a process, where we focus on holistically on all aspects of the human being, ex EQ, SQ, IQ and PQ. 
Intra and interpersonal leadership training via emotional intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence workbooks for adults,children and teens. (available in English and Afrikaans)
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What do you do?

The focus is on holistic training in Emotional Intelligence for adults and children, taking into account the importance of SQ, IQ and PQ.

Wandering Traveler

Your vision,values and personality?

Each human is unique. To unlock the vast potential in each of us, I believe that I as a coach / trainer must have integrated theory and real life experience to be able to walk the talk. I need to passionately convey knowledge via experiential learning to others.
Only in doing so does one utilise the value of Personal and professional Leadership, to allow people to improve their capabilities, enhance relationships and be motivated to reach their goals in all life dimensions.I adopted the core values of integrity, respect, compassion, excellence and the believe that each human have intrinsic value.

What is EQ?

We describe EQ as a type of personal and social intelligence, which includes the following:
The ability to perceive, recognise, understand and react to the feeling of oneself and those of others (emotional awareness)
The ability to distinguish between various feelings and to name them (emotional literacy)
The ability to express and control one's feelings appropriately (emotional control)
The ability to listen to others, to empathise with them and to communicate effectively in terms of emotions and thoughts
The ability to use information to direct one's feelings, thoughts and actions so that one lives effectively is motivated and has a goal in mind (correspondence between thoughts, feelings and behavior)
She also specialists in SQ

Sat on the Rocks

What is SQ?

Enhancing your spiritual quotient (SQ) means connecting with the core of who you are.
Sometimes this follows naturally from having enhanced your PQ, IQ and EQ. Being who you are and becoming what you can be requires you to be quiet and to listen to your own inner truth and wisdom. Your SQ is the measure of your behavior according to your values, regardless of circumstances. Spiritual intelligence is the central and most fundamental of all the intelligences because it becomes the source and guide of the others. It is linked to your drive for meaning, vision, value and is your connection with the infinite, your compass your conscience.

“It’s not what you look at what matters, it’s what you see”

Henry David Thoreau

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